Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Time and Health Nursing

nur/405 University of Phoenix Material History of Community Nursing Matrix Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time: †¢ Describe each period briefly. †¢ Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. †¢ Describe the key health issues. †¢ Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. †¢ Describe how Watson’s Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related. |Historical time |Nursing role in |Major health issues |Partnerships used |Watson’s theory | | |period |community | | | | |Past period 1 |Florence Nightingale |Florence Nightingale |Infection with bacteria |Nightingale used rich and |Watson’s theory of | | |in 1860 |developed nursing |such as E. oli, |upstanding people in the |caring was based on | | | |programs for students as|Pseudomonas, Staph, |community to hel p her with |caring for the | | | |well as a form of |blood borne diseases, |her goal of creating more |patients and | | | |nursing where nurses |and airborne disease |schools and promoting |environment. | | |took care of sick people|from caregivers not |public health nursing. |Nightingale and | | | |within the home. Her |using universal |Most people noticed the |Watson’s vision was | | | |emphasis for this care |precautions with good |problem in the community |related in this way | | | |was on sanitation, |hand washing. and willing to help, such |because environment | | | |prevention of illnesses,|Sanitation and |as Rathbone Liverpool who |according to them | | | |and the actual education|cleanliness was another |helped create more schools |both is a part of | | | |of nurses caring for the|issue. Nightingale |to educate women in the |healing, and as | | | |sick. wanted to make sure |community about the |nurses we should pay | | | | |people were in a clean |importance of publi c health|attention to the | | | | |environment to promote |nursing and the need for |patient, families, | | | | |healing and sanitation |sanitation and promotion of|and the things around| | | | |was an important part of|wellness (Healthline, |them to promote | | | | |her program. |2008). |comfort and | | | | | | |relaxation which in | | | | | | |return helps them to | | | | | | |heal. |Past period 2 |Lillian Wald in the |Wald was known as the |The health issues were |When she began to extend |Watson and Wald were | | |late 1800s |pioneer of modern day |the same as far as |her work, it attracted the |similar because they | | | |public health nursing in|infection and |attention of philanthropist|both wanted to | | | |the United States |sanitation, nurses not |Jacob Schiff who then |promote education in | | | |(Healthline, 2008). She|practicing good hand |offered money and time |nurses to promote | | | |directed her focus of |washing, but Wald took |secretly because he was |health and wellbeing. | | | |nursing similar to |it a step further and |Jewish and this was the |Wald cared about the | | | |Nightingale’s.She |focused on people lives |large population of people |community and the | | | |started out in New York |outside of health also. |she was caring for |expansion of people’s| | | |training nurses and they|She taught people how to|(Healthline 2008). With |horizons and she | | | |lived in the |sew and cook along with |his help, she was able to |wanted them to live | | | |neighborhoods they |other recreational |expand her employees and |and work to their | | | |worked in. She not only|activities and |provide the most efficient |fullest potential. | | |focused on the care of |involvement in the |care with the best nurses |Watson is the same in| | | |the patient but other |community and her |available at that time. |that she developed | | | |areas of life such as |biggest accomplishment |She was even able to write |her model to give us | | | |empl oyment and education|was the labor movement. |two books which she |a guide in caring for| | | |as well as sanitation |She even worked with the|received great recognition |people and all things| | | |and wellbeing. She also|NAACP during the Civil |for. and situations that | | | |formed organizations |Rights’ movement for | |could affect their | | | |that focused on women’s |African Americans | |lives. In doing | | | |rights and equality, and|(Healthline, 2008). Her| |this, nurses build | | | |formed schools and |main projects were | |trust and there is a | | | |programs for the |focused around patient | |better working | | | |mentally ill. |care, education, and | |relationship. | | | | |equality. | | |Current period |Twentieth Century- |The Visiting Nursing |Environmental health, |Governmental agencies and |Watson’s caring | | |Visiting Nursing |Association, now known |social services needs, |American Red Cross as well |theory focused on | | |Association |as home health nursing |infection, immunizations|as healthcare departments |caring for patients | | | |has become a part of |and education are the |and clinics are the |and wellbeing. | | | |community nursing. |focus of home health and|partnerships that keep |Today, governmental | | | |Health departments and |health departments |these organizations going. |agencies and | | | |clinics have also been |today.Keeping up with |It is important to have |healthcare | | | |designed to help people |immunizations, well baby|these clinics for the |departments are very | | | |in their environment |treatments, and |younger generation who may |active in the | | | |versus them coming to |education about |not feel comfortable |promotion of wellness| | | |hospitals. This helps |STDs/AIDS and teenage |talking to their parents |and health, which is | | | |serve the poor by going |pregnancies are a main |about certain changes and |similar to Watson. | | | |to them to give good |focus of public health |aspects of life. Being a |Caring for people and| | | |care and also assess |nurses.This ensures |public health nurse, you |their environment was| | | |their situation to apply|that our community is |should remain positive and |the focus for Watson,| | | |any additional needs or |aware of resources and |open and very supportive |and we still hold | | | |assistance. |care available to them. |for teenagers and young |those same standards | | | | | |adults so they are able to |in our community | | | | | |understand possible dangers|today and will | | | | | |to them and others. continue to uphold | | | | | | |the values of life as| | | | | | |the people who fought| | | | | | |for us to have these | | | | | | |rights and | | | | | | |opportunities. |

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Selling Class Assignment

In this case, Margaret Sprunger is handling the sales rep Jenner is accused of passing confidential information. Firstly, Margaret should take further investigation on this case. She should investigate clearly that did Jenner pass the confidential information to Orthopedics. After the investigation, if she finds out that he really pass the confidential information to Orthopedics, the company can fire Jenner. It is illegal for any staff to participate in trading on the confidential information. And this case should send a memo to the whole company.This shows the employees that passing confidential information to others is a serious issue and can remind them the consequence of doing this If Margaret didn’t have any evidence to proof Jenner is convicted, she should explain to Bob Heckman about this issue. And also need to explain to Jenner the whole issue. Jenner may be upset by this issue and loss morale. The company should motivate Jenner. After that, the company should take so me action to minimize the possibility of sales rep to leak some confidential information to others. This is related to the ethical and legal responsibilities of the staff.The first thing is to set up the code of ethics in the company. A code of ethics  is a written ethical guideline to let the employees to follow. Having a code of ethics can show that the organization cares about whether its employees behave in an ethical manner. The company is responsible for establishing, communicating, and enforcing the ethical standards they expect their salespeople to follow. They should provide some training for them to understand the code of ethics as they may not know how to follow the ethical standard in some situation.In the training lessons, they will face some ethical dilemma, this gives them a guideline to handle it when they face in the selling process. Besides that, sales managers must ensure that their salespeople are aware of their legal responsibilities. They must provide trainin g with regard to their legal responsibilities. This can prevent them to do some illegal things. Sometimes they may not even know they are committing crime and don’t know the seriousness of some action like passing confidential information to others. The company should update them with the most recent court case and the enactment of laws.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Advanced Accounting Theory & Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Accounting Theory & Practice - Essay Example Since then, more and more countries are adopting IFRS.1 IASB sets down accounting standards for the accounting policies that a company under IFRS must follow. These accounting standards are in accordance with the requirements of Conceptual Framework which assist users of financial statements to take various financial decisions. IASB are in continuous effort to improve the accounting standards in order to prevent creative accounting practices by companies and help representing the true and fair view about the financial conditions and performance of the companies. IAS 1 which sets out guidelines regarding presentation of financial statements, its key features, changes in its recent revision by IASB, and finally criticism with regards to these changes, all have been covered in this study. Effects of changes in IAS 1 on Coca Cola Co. have also been studied. Key Features of IAS 1 Objective IAS 1 sets the guidelines to be followed in the presentation of financial statements made by an orga nisation. The presentation is made for the purpose of comparability with the company’s financial statements related to preceding periods. It also ensures that the financial statements of the company can be compared with other business entities as well. IAS 1 includes comprehensive requirements about how the financial statements are presented, rules about what would be its structure and the minimum requirements about what its contents will include.... cial statements are presented, rules about what would be its structure and the minimum requirements about what its contents will include.2 Scope IAS 1 is applicable to all the financial statements which are made for general purposes and is in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Financial statements used for general purposes are prepared with the intention that it would be required by the person who do not require financial reports to be used by them to cater to some particular information requirement.3 Financial Statements and its Components According to IAS 1, financial statements comprises of the following five components: 1. Balance Sheet: It is a statement which depicts the financial position of a business entity at the end of the period. 2. Income Statement: It is a statement explaining the comprehensive income of a business entity at the end of the period. 3. Statement of Shareholders’ Equity: It is a statement showing the increase or decr ease in equity of the business entity for the period. 4. Cash Flow Statement: It is a statement showing the cash flows of the business entity for the noted period. 5. Notes: It comprises of the accounting policies followed by the business entity in a summarised form. It also includes other explanatory notes of the business entity.4 IAS 1 does not require a business entity to use the same titles of the financial statements as stated above. They can use other titles as well. If we look at the annual reports of Coca Cola Co. for the year ending on December 31, 2011, we can find that all these components of financial statements are mentioned. Along with these there are other reports prepared by Coca Cola like, Report of Management, Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, etc. which

Sunday, July 28, 2019

My role in the family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My role in the family - Essay Example As such, my family has seen me develop into a caring person, who looks at the rest of the world as part of a larger family, such that the family’s needs to have its interest put first for the benefit of all. In addition to this family environment, the warm and caring environment has created in me a strong sense of interest in other people so that I understand them better and try to get along with them, which appears to be more of an outgoing character trait in me. As a result, the warm cocoon created by the family has developed a socially well-rounded girl capable of interacting with anyone in the society without problems. My family has contributed to my personality by ensuring that everyone in the family has a role to play in everyday activities or duties. In the family duties, everyone is assigned a task that he/she must fulfill before a given time. Moreover, in collective duties, we all work together towards a common goal, while in the individual tasks each one of the famil y members runs his or her own duty. Thus, my family has seen me grow substantially towards responsibilities in a way that could not have happened in their absence as it has allowed me to enjoy in partaking my duties. As a result, I am a responsible person who does not wait for other people to do things for me, but I instead take care of my own business.In addition, another way in which my family has developed my personality is through the entire family led by my parents to handle our share of problems collectively.

S2. Costs of Lending ,read this part through the workbook and write Essay

S2. Costs of Lending ,read this part through the workbook and write down the understand of the . Costs of Lending - Essay Example Money can be made in profit if the measures employed in ensuring that the payment of money are clear so that money can compensate and be relent again. Costs are undergone and lending money this because if the money is not paid the agency undergo major costs if were enough collateral repay the cash A cost of lending is a thought that should be put under consideration when one is undertaking any money lending transaction. For this reason the costs of lending are the real consequences that are faced by the commercial institutions during and after lending money to organizations or individuals (Leila 2011). There are several hard ships and expenses that are undergone during the process of lending money. This might involve the bank into ending into very dangerous bad debts which will make the bank work at a loss which is highly dangerous for any commercial institution. Commercial and Corporate Lending As to my research commercial lending is the process by which money is lent to an establis hed organization as credit so that the operations taking place in the organization can proceed (Lance 2002). This money is lent to the business entity so as to give a hand in the operational expenses in the organization and also other forms of capitals required in the organization (Lance 2002). ... that when loans are secured from a commercial institution the first thing that they feature is attaining collateral from the party who requires the loan. Under my opinion corporate lending is just identical to getting a personal loan it is only that the money transaction will not take place between the bank and the person but it is normally made from the bank to a company. This lending is usually used with the involvement of the asset, structured finance or through the help of the cash flow (Kaplan 2008). For this reason this risk of one attaining a non payable amount of cash is discouraged because the person who requires the loan will receive a share that is directly proportional to the assets owned by the individual or company. Commercial Lenders Commercial lenders are the financial institutions that lend money to organizations and individuals with hard collateral being put in place as security to the loan (Kaplan 2008). These lenders include commercial banks, private lending insti tutions, hard money lenders and also financial groups that have enough amounts that can be used to lend. They have their own policies each that govern the transactions involving money so that they can evaluate the persons who are capable of getting their loans (Kaplan 2008). The commercial lenders are extremely attractive and one can access them through brokers who direct them to the money lenders. The brokers earn from looking for customers which is solely catered for by the customer or the borrower. Importance of Commercial Lenders The commercial lenders give the organizations and other individual who require cash in order to build and uplift the living conditions of the countries and the societies where they live. This will lead to growth and expansion of the country and the societies

Saturday, July 27, 2019

FMLA and Its Impacts on Organization Term Paper

FMLA and Its Impacts on Organization - Term Paper Example The law does give the employee time off but the time given is not paid by his or her organization. The passing of the law has since covered the time which uses to be given to pregnant mothers before. Conversely, some employers have not been happy with the law since they see that they are losing some part of the working force in the company. Employers conclude that the law collides with other unforeseen happenings to employees which might need time off when they are sick. They have also realized that the law is not in line with working schedule of the firm, in addition the firm has had to increase the financial status of their companies so as to train or recruit the best human resource to deal with issues of FMLA (Bovee, 2001). Paid Sick Leave and its Impact on the Organization Paid sick leave is the compensation to an employee by an organization when they take time off to be with their family when either he or she is sick or one of the family members is sick. Paid sick leave is not p assed as a law like the FMLA, it has gained value since consideration by organization because it seen to be related to the economic growth of the country (Earle and Heymann, 2006). In addition, it is also a pillar to the human rights of an employee since the organization values the health of an employee. ... Impacts on the economy could be due to the health condition of the worker which could contribute to a smaller number of forces working in a firm or sick working force. For example, the workers in the USA had to work when they were sick, which made their health condition and the health of others worse due to a combination of the work force who were sick and the ones who were not sick; this increased the spread of the H1N1 virus among employees. The impact on the economy was that sick workers contributed to low productivity (Watkins, 2011). The impact of using the Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) The law has positive impacts on the organization if employers are informed early. The organization will have time to plan well on how it will do with the small number or without the number of some employees who have taken the FMLA leave. The advance notice has also seen to help the firms know the number of the employees who are to go for FMLA hence will give them time to balance the financial s tatus of the company due to the low productivity they would have to incur when the workers go for leave. The issues of the workers not giving enough information about the conditions would be solved. This is because, an individual who has to apply for FMLA has to present all the information to the firm about the need for FMLA leave, for example, the time of needed and the reason for taking leave, from there the organization will consider the case (Silverman, 2010). The impact of advance Notice of FMLA leave According to Hayes & Ninemeier (2009) the FMLA leave regulations binds the employer to give information to the employees 30 days before leave is granted and the workers are also warranted to give information about the day they would like

Friday, July 26, 2019

Communicative Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communicative Disorders - Essay Example 14). Students with a mild hearing loss might either have a hearing aid, or the teacher might be able to speak louder to him or her than to other students. For a child with moderate hearing loss, one might use a louder voice in addition to flash cards or other manipulatables and visuals to assist in the lesson. According to Gargiulo (2010), â€Å"Pupils with a hearing loss need visual information to learn. Acting out experience-based language lessons or stories is helpful. Using environmental labels around the classroom can start such children on the road to learning language†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 426). Additionally, teachers teaching students with severe hearing loss should be well-versed in American Sign Language (ASL). If they are not familiar with sign language, they should start learning it so they can communicate with their students whose hearing is nonexistent or very poor. It’s the teacher’s job to make sure that these interventions wouldn’t interfere with n ormal classroom routines by making these interventions part of the routine. Parents cannot be left out of the equation, either. According to Otto (2010), parents are a key component in ensuring that a child has all the support he or she needs to succeed (pp. 3). Parents’ concerns must be addressed. Teachers should share any relevant information with the parents and support them in the education of their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Situational Leadership Theory and Organizational Leadership Research Paper

Situational Leadership Theory and Organizational Leadership - Research Paper Example Leadership is the process of the influence a leader instils on others to achieve an objective and make an organization productive. Situation leadership theory is useful and relevant in developing an effective leadership culture. Fiedler contingency model, House and Mitchell’s Path-goal theory, and Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership are three situational leadership theories that are effective in management. In accordance to Fielder, situational leadership, especially in a high stress situation is largely mismatched by the leader’s inability to use his intellectual resources to solve the problem or ease the stress in organization. The use of intelligence as opposed to criticism or stress is vital in the organization (Fiedler, 1992). The focus on the effective tasks structuring and directing both the white collar and blue collar employees, enhancing relationships between leaders and subordinates in times of stress and finally the focus on the leader’s power, or the positive attributes of the leadership style to reduce stress in organizations undergoing difficult situations. In relation to the strengths of the model, it focuses on a single leadership style, which incorporates all leadership styles possible depending with the situation. The main emphasis is not on the alteration of the style of leadership, but rather the use of the key advantages of the leadership style a manager or leader is used to, in issuing direction and motivating the subordinates to achieve a set task or goal. The model also emphasizes that if a certain trait about the leadership style that suits the subordinates, will lead to self-motivation. As such, instead of concentrating on the stressfulness of the situation, using one’s strengths to increase their own strengths would marginally reduce the stressful nature of the situation. However, one of the key weaknesses of the model is that it lacks to acknowledge that some of the leaders have low

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Good Morning, Vietnam; Good Night, Reality Essay

Good Morning, Vietnam; Good Night, Reality - Essay Example The film is fairly accurate in what it does portray: Croanuer is a hot-shot Deejay brought in to entertain (and thereby distract) the troops and is welcomed by his peers while several of his superiors are nervous about his lack of respect for authority. Cronauer blends well enough in his new environment, even taking on a class teaching Vietnamese - although this is to meet a love interest. He befriends the girl's brother, Tuan, fighting to get him into the locally owned G.I. Bar Jimmy Wah's. Cronauer is supended from the air when he ignores the censor by announcing the subsequent bombing of Jimmy Wah's. After his return to radio, Cronauer goes into the field to do remote interviews, unknowingly walking into enemy occupied territory. Tuan finds and rescues Cronauer, who returns to find that he is be reassigned to a different location, due to his involvement with Tuan, who proves to be a Vietnamese guerilla. After bidding farewell to all of his acquaintances, Cronauer departs, while a taped broadcast of his farewell show is played to the troops. Sadly, the focus of the film proves very limited. Despite the film's entertainment value, the narrow locality of it's story (primarily in the radio station) does not allow for a more comprehensive view of American soldiers in the field, the shifting political situation or the political history, and makes almost no effort to recognize Vietnamese history and concerns. Part of this is explained by Sergeant Joe P. Dunn, of the 199th Infantry Brigade, 1969-1970; who completed his tour with the 1st Air Cavalry. He observes that there are three primary methods today of studying the Vietnam conflict: 1) Asianists, who are specialist in the history, culture, and so forth of the Asia, who treat American involvement "as merely one stage, in the long history and series of conflicts", 2) Americanists, who are primarily historians and focus on various aspects of American issues that led to U.S. involvement (although the Asianists denounce the absence of Vietnam history and culture in this approac h), and 3) Literature/Pop-culture, which Dunn contends too rarely have "the analytical tools of the historian and the political scientist." Good Morning, Vietnam proves to have a slight leaning to this second category, but an overwhelming influence by the third. How then does the film attempt to justify it's blatant entertainment orientation It does this through a small inserts of liberal efforts of social equality. Cronauer seeks to equalize the military hierarchy by constantly lampooning the upper echelon. Likewise, Jimmy Wah's, a place where there has been a small measure of cultural acculturation in so far as the Vietnamese are benefiting from American presence (and exploitation), is the only real battleground in which Cronauer struggles for Vietnamese equality, i.e. the right to patron the bar. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese is only lightly touched upon by Tuan and his sister, and then only in lamenting the impact of America on an already war-torn culture.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

EVALUATING HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

EVALUATING HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Essay Example It aims to establish a more open, flexible and caring management style so that staff will be motivated, developed and managed in a way that they can give of their best to support the concerned departments. Good HRM practices are instrumental in helping achieve departmental objectives and enhance productivity. In the larger interest of a company it is imperative that employees are taught the nuance of the trade. Personnel with positive attitudes and can lend themselves to the causes are what organisations look for. HRM is all about this. Employees are taught to be positive, deliver quality work, have a sense of humour, and work as a team. Employees should be interested in performing as a team and take joy in team results, rather than individual accomplishments. The work of HRM is to identify people with such qualities. Building a team with members with such exemplary qualities mitigate the work of an organisation and they can build a work force that is prepared for the culture one desire (Corporate Culture, Auxillium West -The HR Manager). The above is well illustrated in the way Japanese HRM function in unison with company motives and policies. Strong HRM practices are characterised by an equally strong internal labour market, consultative decision making and enterprise unionism. Such practices, individually and collectively, encourage the incorporation of employees into the mainstream (The culture of the enterprise). This results in a strong employee-management relationship, leading to employee identification with the firm, and a high commitment to innovative production practices that enhance the firm's performance. In return the firm or organisation, in recognition of their work ethics, provides job security and rewards (John Benson and Philippe Debroux, HRM in Japanese Enterprises: Trends and Challenges). 2.0 HRM-An Overview No organisation can grow or for that matter, survive without incorporating policies that are pro-human in nature. "Functions such as managing cash flow, business transactions, communication, public relations, and production are part of human activities in sustainability and growth of an organisation. Unless human resources are looked after diligently by the organisation managers, the firm is likely to face drawbacks, which could have serious repercussions on the organisation as a whole. It is no secret that humans are the driving force of any establishment, and it is they who possess the drive to make or break an organisation. In lieu of the current market and multi-polar world situation, the work ethics of most organisations are continuously changing. This change not only affects the business but its employees as well. In order to maximise organisational effectiveness, managers must be able to manage employee capabilities, their time, and talent. Human resource management is about e mployees and organisational goals. In a nutshell, HRM

Monday, July 22, 2019

Assessment and Students Essay Example for Free

Assessment and Students Essay Journal assessment Conclusion Reccomendation III. INTRODUCTION: Why do Assessment? Are you asking too little of your class? Are your students approaching your course as hurdlers, barely clearing required levels of performance? Or are they approaching your course like high jumpers, pushing themselves under your guidance to increasingly more challenging heights? If your students arent high jumpers, maybe its because you arent asking them to high jump. By using appropriate assessment techniques, you can encourage your students to raise the height of the bar. There is considerable evidence showing that assessment drives student learning. More than anything else, our assessment tools tell students what we consider to be important. They will learn what we guide them to learn through our assessments. Traditional testing methods have been limited measures of student learning, and equally importantly, of limited value for guiding student learning. These methods are often inconsistent with the increasing emphasis being placed on the ability of students to think analytically, to understand and communicate at both detailed and big picture levels, and to acquire lifelong skills that permit continuous adaptation to workplaces that are in constant flux. Moreover, because assessment is in many respects the glue that links the components of a course its content, instructional methods, and skills development changes in the structure of a course require coordinated changes in assessment. IV. RESEARCH (CONTENT) What is Assessment? Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and acting upon data related to student learning and experience for the purpose of developing a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experience; the process culminates when assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning. Huba and Freed, 2000 Key Points Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning Multiple methods Criteria and standards Evidence Students know, can do and understand It’s more than just collecting data Sequence in Preparing Instructionally Relevant Assessment INSTRUCTION Indicates the learning outcomes to be attained by students LEARNING TASK Specifies the particular set of learning task(s) to be assessed. ASSESSMENT Provides a procedure designed to measure a representative sample of the instructionally relevant learning tasks. Is there close agreement? What is the Assessment Process? AIMS ASSESSMENT ACTION ADJUSTMENT Importance of Assessment To find out what the students know (knowledge) To find out what the students can do, and how well they can do it (skill; performance) To find out how students go about the task of doing their work (process) To find out how students feel about their work (motivation, effort) What is Student Assessment for? *To help us design and modify programs to better promote learning and student success. To provide common definitions and benchmarks for student abilities that will enable us to act more coherently and effectively to promote student learning. *To provide feedback, guidance, and mentoring to students so as to help them better plan and execute their educational programs. *To provide improved feedback about student learning to support faculty in their work. Functions of Assessment Diagnostic: tell us what the student needs to learn Formative: tell us how well the student is doing as work progresses Summative: tell us how well the student did at the end of a unit/task What can be assessed? Student learning characteristics -Ability differences -Learning styles Student motivational characteristics -Interest -Self-efficacy -goal orientation Learning Content knowledge Ability to apply content knowledge Skills Dispositions and attitudes Performances Direct and Indirect Assessment Measures Direct methods ask students to demonstrate their learning while indirect methods ask them to reflect on their learning. Direct methods include objective tests, essays, case studies, problem solving exercises, presentations and classroom assignments. Indirect methods include surveys, interviews and student reflection and/or self-assessment essays. It is useful to include both direct and indirect assessment measures in your assessments. How should we assess? True –False Item Multiple Choice Completion Short Answer Essay Practical Exam Papers/Reports Projects Questionnaires Inventories Checklist Peer Rating Self Rating Journal Portfolio Observations Discussions Interviews Criteria In Choosing an Assessment Method It should be reliable. It should be valid. It should be simple to operate, and should not be too costly. It should be seen by students and society in general. It should benefit all students. Who should be involved in assessment? The teacher The student The student’s peer Administrator Parents What should we do with the information from our assessment? Use it to improve the focus of our teaching (diagnosis) Use it to focus student attention of strengths and weaknesses (motivation) Use it to improve program planning (program assessment) Use it for reporting to parents Classroom Assessment Paper and pencil assessments: Ask students to respond in writing to questions or problem -Item level: Assessing lower vs. higher skills -Knowledge vs. application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation -Authentic tasks e. . multiple choice, T/F, matching (recognition), short answer, essay (recall) Paper and Pencil Assessment Strengths -Can cover a lot of material reasonably well -Fair -Effective in assessing declarative knowledge of content Easier to construct and administer than performance assessments Weaknesses -Require forethought and skill -Less effective in assessing procedural knowledge and creative thinking -Con struction of good higher level recognition items is difficult -Recall items that do a good job of assessing higher level thinking (essay questions) are difficult to score. Performance Assessments assessment that elicits and evaluates actual student performances Types of Performances: Products: drawings, science experiments, term papers, poems, solution to authentic problems Behavior: time trial for running a mile, reciting a poem, acting tryouts, dancing Performance assessments Strengths – Effective for assessing higher level thinking and authentic learning -Effective for assessing skill and procedural learning -Interesting and motivating for students Weaknesses -Emphasize depth at the expense of breadth Difficult to construct -Time consuming to administer -Hard to score fairly How can we assess student learning? Traditional assessment: assess student knowledge and skills in relative isolation from real world context. Traditional assessment practices reflect what students are able to recall from memory through various means, such as, multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and matching questions. Authentic assessment: assess studentsâ⠂¬â„¢ ability to use what they’ve learning in tasks similar to those in the outside world. Occurs when the authenticity of student learning has been observed. It requires information from a variety of source such as content work samples, observation during class activities, and conferences with students. Classroom Assessment Informal Assessment: teachers’ spontaneous, day to day observations of student performances. Examples Verbal -Asking questions -Listening to student discussions -Conducting student conferences Nonverbal -Observing -Task performances -On-and off-task behavior -student choices -student body language Informal Assessment Strengths -Facilitates responsive teaching -Can be done during teaching -Easy to individualize Weaknesses -Requires high level of teacher skill -Is vulnerable to -Bias -Inequities –Mistakes Classroom Assessment Formal assessment : assessment that is planned in advance and used to assess a predetermined content and/or skill domain. Strengths -allows the teacher to evaluate all students systematically on the important skills and concepts -helps teachers determine how well students are progressing over the entire year -provides useful information to parents and administrators. Portfolios A collection of student samples representing or demonstrating student academic growth. It can include formative and summative assessment. It may contain written work, journals, maps, charts, survey, group reports, peer reviews and other such items. Portfolios are systematic, purposeful, and meaningful collections of students’ work in one or more subject areas. Importance of Portfolios For Students Shows growth over time Displays student’s accomplishment Helps students make choices Encourages them to take responsibility for their work Demonstrates how students think Importance of Portfolios For Teachers Highlights performance-based activities over year Provides a framework for organizing student’s work Encourages collaboration with students, parents, and teachers Showcases an ongoing curriculum Facilitates student information for decision making Importance of Portfolios For Parents Offer insight into what their children do in school Facilitates communication between home and school Gives the parents an opportunity to react to what their child is doing in school and to their development Shows parents how to make a portfolio so they may do one at home at the same time Importance of Portfolios For Administrators Provides evidence that teacher/school goals are being met Shows growth of students and teachers Provides data from various sources What do portfolios contain? Three basic models: Showcase model, consisting of work samples chosen by the student. Descriptive model, consisting of representative work of the student, with no attempt at evaluation. Evaluative model, consisting of representative products that have been evaluated by criteria. Disadvantages of Portfolio Require more time for faculty to evaluate than test or simple-sample assessment. Require students to compile their own work, usually outside of class. Do not easily demonstrate lower-level thinking, such as recall of knowledge. May threaten students who limit their learning to cramming for doing it at the last minute. Rubric It is a scoring guide that seeks to evaluate a student’s performance based on the sum of a full range of criteria rather than a single numerical score. It is a working guide for students and teachers, usually handed out before the assignment begins in order to get students to think about the criteria on which their work will be judged. Rubrics are scoring criteria for Free-response Questions Scientific reports Oral or Power point presentations Reflections/Journals Essay Laboratory-based performance tests Article review or reactions Portfolios Many others Open-ended Question Concept Mapping It requires students to explore links between two or more related concepts. When making concept maps, they clarify in their minds the links they have made of the concepts and having visual representation of these links, they are better able to rearrange of form new links when new concepts are introduced. Laboratory Performance In this format students and teachers know the requirements in advance and prepare them. The teacher judges the student performance within a specific time frame and setting. Students are rated on appropriate and effective use of laboratory equipment, measuring tools, and safety laboratory procedures as well as a hands-on designing of an investigation. Inventories Diagnostic Inventories: Student responses to a series of questions or statements in any field, either verbally or in writing. These responses may indicate an ability or interest in a particular field. Interest Inventories: student responses to questions designed to find out past experience and or current interest in a topic, subject or activity. Classroom Assessment Presentation : a presentation by one student or by a group of students to demonstrate the skills used in the completion of an activity or the acquisition of curricular outcomes/expectations. The presentation can take the form of a skit, lecture, lab presentation, debate etc. Computers can also be used for presentation when using such software as Hyperstudio, Powerpoint or Corel presentations. Peer Evaluation : judgments by students about one another’s performance relative to stated criteria and program outcomes Journal Assessment This refer to student’s ongoing record of expressions experiences and reflections on a given topic. There are two types: one in which students write with minimal direction what he/she is thinking and or feeling and the other requires students to compete a specific written assignment and establishes restrictions and guidelines necessary to accurately accomplish the assignment. Journals can evolve different types of reflecting writing, drawing, painting, and role playing. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL What did I learn? How do I feel about it? What happened? SYNTHESIS JOURNAL How I can Use It? What I learned? What I Did? SPECULATION ABOUT EFFECTS JOURNAL What could happen because of this? What happened? V. CONCLUSION A fair assessment is one in which students are given equitable opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do. Classroom assessment is not only for grading or ranking purposes. Its goal is to inform instruction by providing teachers with information to help them make good educational decisions. Assessment is integrated with student’s day-to-day learning experiences rather than a series of an end-of-course tests. Why link assessment with instruction? Better assessment means better teaching. Better teaching means better learning . Better learning means better students. Better students mean better opportunities for a better life. VI. RECCOMENDATION Specific assessment tools, listed below, are strongly recommended to faculty and department heads for their ability to provide useful information for accountability and, more importantly, to foster dialogue to improve student learning within courses. These three assessment tools are strongly recommended because they are concise and effective direct evaluations as opposed to indirect evaluations. Direct evaluations can be both formative (the gathering of information about student learning during the progression of a course or program, usually repeatedly, to improve the learning of those students) and summative (the gathering of information at the conclusion of the course, program or undergraduate career to improve learning or to meet accountability demands. ) 1. Rubrics:  These are the most flexible types of direct assessments and can be used to score any product or performance such as essays, portfolios, skill performances, oral exams, debates, project/product creation, oral presentations or a student’s body of work over the course of a semester. Since we are talking about assessing â€Å"official† course learning outcomes that are stated in course documents, all faculty teaching that course must agree on a detailed scoring system that delineates criteria used to discriminate among levels and is used for scoring a common assignment, product or performance or set of assignments, products or performances. Information can be obtained from the course document’s assignment and evaluation pages to help guide the creation of the rubric. Pros: †¢ Defines clear expectations. †¢ Can be used to score many kinds of assignments or exams †¢ Faculty define standards and criteria and how they will be applied Cons: †¢ Faculty must agree on how to define standards and criteria and how they will be applied 2. Common Final Exam or Common Capstone Project:  These direct assessment methods integrate knowledge, concepts and skills associated with an entire sequence of study in a course. Either use the same final exam for all sections offered in a course (commercially produced/standardized test or locally developed final exam) or require a culminating final project that is similar (using the same grading rubric to evaluate). Pros: †¢ Good method to measure growth over time with regard to a course †¢ Cumulative †¢ The data is more robust if all students complete the same assessment †¢ Provides an additional buffer between student learning performance and an individual instructor’s teaching performance Cons: Focus and breadth of assessment are important †¢ Understanding all of the variables to produce assessment results is also important †¢ May result in additional course requirements †¢ Requires coordination and agreement on standards 3. Embedded Test Questions:  Embed the same agreed upon questions that relate to the course’s student learning outcomes into the final exam for all sections of the course and analyze tho se results and/or embed the same agreed-upon requirements into the final project/assignment for all sections of the course and analyze those results. Pros: †¢ Good method to measure growth over time with regards to a course †¢ Cumulative †¢ The data is more robust if all students complete the same assessment †¢ Provides an additional buffer between student learning performance and an individual instructor’s teaching performance †¢ Embedded questions can be reported as an aggregate Cons: †¢ May result in additional course requirements †¢ Requires coordination and agreement on standards If some instructors embed and others do not, the data will be difficult to compare and analyze †¢ Separate analysis of embedded set of questions is required VII. REFERENCES https://www. google. com. ph/search? q=ASSESSMENT+TOOLS+PPT;rlz=2C1GTPM_enPH0537PH0537;aq=f;oq=assessment+tools+;aqs=chrome. 0. 59j57j61j60l2j0. 3437j0;sourceid=chrome;ie=UTF-8 http://www. slideshare. net/armovil/assessment-of-student-learning? from_search=2 Fulks, Janet, â€Å"Assessing Student Learning in Community Colleges†, Bakersfield College, 2004

Voyages Essay Example for Free

Voyages Essay People dont always reach their goals, the result sometimes ends up being drastically different then what was originally planned. That situation has happened many times in transoceanic expeditions in the Early Modern Era. The following either reached their expected goal or resulted in something different then what was expected to happen. The first is voyages of Ming Admiral Zheng He. Zheng He led seven expeditions to the Indian Ocean. The expeditions established the Ming dynastys Indian Ocean trade links. He went on these seven voyages in serch of precious land and traded goods that he would bring back to his homeland in China. His voyages went smoothly, resulting in new finds of land and new trading goods that would be higly regarded in China where is was rare. Zheng He reached his goal and actually recieved higher than what was expected. The second is the Portuguese exploration of the coast of Africa. The Portuguese were curious about Africa and their goal was to explore the west coast of Africa and find rare treasures to trade and to convert the Africans to christianity. When they arrived on the West African Coast their curiosity dissapated and they soon realized they would enslave the Africans and have human trafficking of them take place from then on. Their goal was short and simple, to convert people to Christianity. Instead of reaching their goal they reached a new goal that was not planned. They expected different but were more than happy with the results that happend.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Solubility Characteristics Between Organic Compounds

Solubility Characteristics Between Organic Compounds Objective: The objective of this experiment is to study the relative solubility of organic compounds in various solvents. Besides, understanding on the effect of polar groups on a nonpolar hydrocarbon skeleton is the aim for the test. Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to explore and understand the solubility characteristics between organic compounds and their relative solvents. The structure of organic compound indicates its solubility, acidity, basicity, reactivity, stability and so on. All of these properties can be called as â€Å"function† and different structure has different functions after reacting with solvents. It is important to know the solubility of reactant because it directly determines the recrystallization and reaction yields. In recrystallization process, an impure compound is dissolved into a highly concentrated solution at a high temperature. The mixture was left to cool to open air to filter out the insoluble impurities. After the further cooling of solution, the remaining amount of solute can no longer be held in solution forms, it will be purified into crystals, which can later be collected. This process has used the concept of solubility. In short, insoluble of reactants in solvent in dicates no reactions occur. In chemistry, there is a term in describing the solubility of polymer which is like dissolves like. The meaning is one substance is more likely to soluble in those solvents that are having similar properties. Polar compounds are generally soluble in other polar compounds; non-polar compounds are generally soluble in other non-polar compounds. Same goes to molecules that can form hydrogen bonds, they are generally soluble with other molecules that can form hydrogen bonds. To prevent unnecessary test, structure of reactants should be observed whether they are like dissolves like to predict the solubility before handing on the procedures. Acid-base extraction is a type of liquid-liquid extraction. Its basic concept is based on different solubility levels between organic solvent and water. In this case, the organic solvent may be any carbon-based liquid that have less solubility in H2O. The common used organic solvents are ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, or ether. Acid-base extraction is usually used to differentiate organic compounds from each other based on their acid-base properties. The assumption leans against this method is that majority of the organic compounds are likely to dissolve in organic solvent than that in water. However, if the organic compound is rendered ionic, it is eventually having high solubility in water compared to organic solvent because rendered ionic has the ability to easily transform into ions. It can be ionized into cation by adding a proton or becomes an anion by removing a proton (an H+ ion). The fundamental theory behind this technique is that salts, which are ionic, tend to be water-s oluble while neutral molecules tend not to be. If there is an addition of acid to a mixture of an organic base with organic solvent, the organic base will receive a proton to become cation while acid remains unchanged. Conversely, an addition of base into acid mixture together with organic solvent, acid will be deprotonated and transforms into anion meanwhile basicity remains the same. Both of these cation and anion will be dissolved in water and this aqueous layer can be eliminated after phase separation and the pure substance can be obtained. Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy defines an absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet-visible spectral region. Its working theory is using light in the adjacent and visible (near UV and near infrared) ranges. The chemical inside the electromagnetic spectrum region will absorb the light which affects the perceived color of chemicals. At that moment, the light energy will be used by molecules to perform electronic transition. By going through Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, the compositions of organic compound can be identified. Diagram1 shows the energy distribution of each orbital inside a chemical compound. Diagram1 When UV light is passing through the compound, energy will be absorbed to promote the electron from either non-bonding orbital into anti-bonding orbital or that from bonding orbital into anti-bonding orbital. The energy of UV light was stored inside its wavelength whereas different wavelengths associate different strength of energy. The relationship between energy and frequency of light can be shown in the equation below: It shows the energy is directly proportional to frequency of light. Since UV spectroscopy is always giving the data of its wavelength instead of frequency. The relationship between frequency and wavelength needed to be considered. From next equation, it proves that the lower the wavelength gives higher frequency since they are inversely proportional: If large amount of energy needed to promote electrons, lower wavelength of UV light will be absorbed. Absorption spectrometer is only working in a range from about 200 nm (in the near ultra-violet) to about 800 nm (in the very near infra-red). Due to this case, when the electron is promoted from an orbital having weak energy (For example, pi bonding orbital has lower energy compared to non-bonding orbital), more energy is needed to help in transferring the electron. The wavelength of light absorbed will be shorter than 200 nm. Now the detection of functional group in this situation is ambiguous because the absorption of light does not happen in range. Non-bonding orbital requires lone pair of electrons inside the organic compound which means it may be containing oxygen, nitrogen or a halogen. The wavelength like 180nm will be absorbed to promote electron from pi bonding orbital into pi anti-bonding orbital while 290nm of wavelength will be used for promoting electron from non-bonding orbital. 290nm of wavelength will be picked because the spectrometer works in the range of 200 800 nm. Organic compound with different functional groups have their unique electrons configuration. The energy and wavelength of UV light required is also distinct. However, these properties prove that each composition has its own particular reading of wavelength absorption. From this, the composition of one unknown compound could be identified by testing the Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy. Here is some example of compounds with their wavelength absorption. Example1 Furthermore, Infra-red spectrum is also one of the methods used to identify the composition of organic compound. Diagram2 shows the setup of Infra-red spectrum: Diagram2 Detector will absorb the non-absorbed infra-red and produce a graph by its strength on different wavelengths. For example, if the sample absorbs 800cm-1 of infra-red, the remaining light that passing through the sample will be lesser. Hence the graph will show a large trough at 800cm-1 of wavelength because detector received less amount of infra-red. This is the typical Infra-red spectrum: From the example above, the trough at 3000+ cm-1 indicates there is absorption of infra-red by sample to excite bonds in the molecule to a higher state of vibration either stretching or bending. Observation on this trough can determine the functional group inside the organic sample because every functional group has their approximate range of infra-red absorption. The advantage of applying Infra-red spectrum is that it can detect the other smaller parts of differences between the molecules that having same functional group. For example, both propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol contain same OH group as functional group. These can be shown in two graphs below: They have almost the same troughs around the area at 3000 cm-1 which indicates the same functional group. However, the regions between 1500 and 500 cm-1 shows the distinct in composition. This region is called fingerprint region. The pattern in the fingerprint region allows the user to evaluate the compound.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Was The Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb Justified? Essay -- U.S. History

On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This was an extremely controversial military strategy in the United States. Was the United States justified in the dropping of the atomic bomb? The U.S. feared the rise of communism and gave aid to any country against it. The U.S. also fought countries threatening the spread communism. One of these countries was Japan. We began a harsh and brutal war against Japan and against communism. This war was killing many soldiers and Japan was not backing down. President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb when things were getting worse. The decision to use the atomic bomb was a difficult one and many people wonder if it was the right choice. When the United States caught word that Germany was close to creating the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer and other scientists wanted to create it first, for the U.S. After three years of research, the first small atomic device was exploded on July 16, 1945 in the lab at Los Alamos. Having proved their concept worked, a larger scale bomb was built. Less than a month later, atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan (Rosenberg). There are many people who oppose the use of the atomic bombs; though there are some that believe it was a necessity in ending the war. President Truman realized the tragic significance of the atomic bomb and made his decision to use it to shorten the agony of young Americans (â€Å"Was the Atomic Bombing†). The president knew of the way the Japanese fought. They fought to the death and they were brutal to prisoners of war. They used woman and children as soldiers to surprise bomb the enemy. They made lethal weapons and were taught to sacr... ...t of physical as well as psychological damage was too great according to many people. Works Cited The Atomic Bomb. Evanston, Ill.: Nextext, 2000. Print. "Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945." Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Web. 10 June 2010. . Chaitin, Julia, Aiko Swasa, and Dan Bar-On. "Life After The ATOMIC BOMB." USA Today Magazine Mar. 2007: 20-23. Points Of View Reference Center. Web. 4 June 2010. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "J Robert Oppenheimer - Biography of Manhattan Project Director J. Robert Oppenheimer." 20th Century History. Web. 10 June 2010. . "Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Justifiable?" The Pacific War 1941-43. Web. 10 June 2010. .

Influenza in London :: Journalism Spanish Flu Heatlh Essays

GLOBAL INFLUENZA REPORT: LONDON Bill Smith is a Health Correspondent for the "The Times" in London. He sends weekly reports to the Irvine World News. For the week of 22 October to 29 October 1918. With an end to the war on the horizon London continues to be ravaged by the Spanish Flu. As reported in The Times "The general death-rate last week increased to 41 per 1,000 of the population per annum compared with 12 at the same period last year. This is the highest death-rate for over 20 years."1 As a result of the current drastic increase in the number of people inflicted with the flu, all sectors of Society are being gravely impacted. In many areas schools are being closed with the reasons for closure being vast, the primary reason being the effort to prevent the spread of influenza amongst pupils. In other areas schools are being closed due to a lack of healthy staff. However, some medical authorities believe that the closing of schools is unnecessary, as closing schools would "...simply release the children and allow them to congregate in places where the danger of infection is greatest. [At the moment] Efficient ventilation and segregation are considered the best means of fighting the disease."2 In other sectors of public service, telephone services have been impacted as the complement of healthy telephonists has decreased.3 In Sleugh, as well as in many other communities, post offices have been closed, as postmasters have not been available. Additionally, Omnibus services are starting to be affected and it is expected that the number of schedule changes will increase if the outbreak is not brought under control. More concerning is that in several areas emergency services have been greatly reduced. As of Saturday 26 October "There were stated to be 1,300 members of the Metropolitan Police Force suffering from the disease yesterday, and in 25 cases it proved fatal.... Eighty-two members of the London Fire Brigade are off duty owing to influenza."4 Lord Nelson, of the Mayfair Community Council expressed the sentiment that he and his fellow residents are extremely distressed with the number of police and fire fighters inflicted with the flu, and that they hope that their fellow citizens will continue to be extra vigilant so that the services of these people will not be needed unnecessarily.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Symbols and Symbolism in Steinbecks Flight :: Steinbeck Flight Essays

Use of Symbolism in Steinbeck's Flight In his classic short story, "Flight," John Steinbeck uses many examples of symbolism to foreshadow the conclusion. Symbolism can be anything, a person, place or thing, used to portray something beyond itself. It is used to represent or foreshadow the ending of the story. Steinbeck uses colors, direction, and nature symbolism to help presage Pepà ©'s tragic death. Let us now more closely examine the ways that Steinbeck uses colors to foreshadow the ending of his short story. Perhaps the most repeatedly used symbol in "Flight," is the color black. In literature many authors use black to represent death. There are numerous examples in this short story. Some of these include the black handle on the long blade, Pepà ©'s black hair and the black jerky. Another example may be found when Pepà © puts on his fathers black coat, which represents death. When Pepà © puts on the coat he is literally covering himself with death. Another fine example is the trail in which Pepà © travels. Steinbeck describes the path as a well-worn black path. By traveling on this path he is in fact taking the road of death. Furthermore Pepà ©'s appearance also helps foreshadow the ending. Steinbeck describes him as having a black hat that covers his black thatched hair. Pepà © is also described as being dark, lean and tall. Another example is Pepà ©'s shack. The shack is described as weathered and very old. It casts a rather large shadow to the North east. The darkness of the shadow symbolizes death in the home. As we can readily see, the authors use of black symbolism in the story tells us that the main character, Pepà ©, is impending death. Another commonly used symbol in the story "Flight," is direction. Direction is used to represent positive or negative effects. North and East are generally "good" directions. Many people feel this came about when the early man saw the sun rise in the East. On the contrary, the directions South and West are generally "bad" directions. Basically this is because the sun sets in the West. Besides compass directions, height is also a very popular way of foreshadowing the conclusion of the story. The direction up, which is also the way to heaven is generally "good," while down, the direction of hell, is considered to be "bad." An example of this form of symbolism can be found when Pepà © is returning home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lower Levels of Convictions of Woman for Criminal Offences Essay

Assess explanations that sociologists have offered for lower levels of convictions of woman for criminal offences Sociologists have offered explanations for lower levels of convictions for woman for criminal offences. For example women are treated more leniently and woman are socialised to commit less crime in the first place. Most crime appears to be committed by men. According to recent national statistics men are four times more likely to commit a crime than woman. For example official statistics suggests there are gender differences in the types of crimes committed such as men committee violent crime and woman committee shoplifting. One explanation for the lower levels of convictions of women is that they are treated more leniently. One explanation that has been put forward is that the agents of criminal justice such as police officers, magistrates and judges are men and men are socialised to act in a chivalrous manner towards women. In the 1950s Pollack argued that men felt they had to protect women, so the criminal justice system is more lenient towards them. So there are some crimes that are less likely to turn into official statistics. This then does not give an accurate understanding in rates of offending and official statistics will show the extent of gender differences. Women are also more likely than men to be cautioned rather than prosecuted. For example, the Ministry of justice figures for 2009, show that 49% of female offenders were cautioned compared to only 30% of men. Similarly Hood’s study of over 3,000 defendants found that woman were about one-third less likely to be jailed in similar cases. However, there is evidence against the chivalry thesis. Box argues women who commit serious offences are not treated more favourably than men. He argues women show remorse which may be why they get cautioned rather than going to court. Heidensohn argues that in fact when women commit more serious crimes and deviate from expected norms of behaviour they are punished more harshly. For example stereotypical gender roles influence judges decisions. Heidensohn accepts there has been an increase in female crime but it’s due to poverty and being socially marginalised. Walklate argues that in rape case it is often not the defendant who is on trial but the victim. Steffensmeier argues that women are treated more leniently in court because judges are reluctant to separate woman from their children. Another reason that could explain lower conviction rates for women is that they are socialised to commit less crime in the first place. Functionalists argue that lower levels of females crime can be explained by gender role socialisation and the expressive role that Parsons argues is the one that women take on within the home. While men go out to work and take the instrumental role as provider, women are socialised to be gentle and nurturing. Parsons argues that boys reject feminine role models they engage in what Parson calls compensatory compulsory masculinity and become aggressive and anti-social behaviour which can slip over into an act of delinquency. Cohen argues that boys that are more likely to join gangs to gain stats and identity. Whereas the girls have their mothers as role models which means they are less likely to behave in anti-social ways. However, critics of the sex role theory are that this view is dated and boys and girls have different role models and influences in their life to the ones illustrated by Parsons. Walklate criticises sex role theory for its biological assumptions. Parson assumes that women are best suited to the expressive role as women gave birth to children. Feminists are interested in how patriarchal society controls women, and this control might explain lower levels of criminality and therefore lower conviction rates. Heidensohn argues the most different thing about women’s behaviour is how conformist it is as women commit fewer crimes than men. Heidensohn notes that women are controlled in a number of ways. For example women are controlled by the amount of time they have to spend looking aft er home and children. Also in the public domain women are controlled by the threat of male violence especially sexual violence. The Islington Crime Survey found that 54% of women avoided going out alone. This therefore reduces their opportunity to offend. However Carlen explains how some women commit crime when they are let down by patriarchal society. It is the failure of patriarchal society to deliver the promised deals that removes the controls. Cohen argues that working class women are led to conform by what she calls the class deal which is being offered rewards at work that allow a good standard of living. Also the gender deal where women have rewards from family life by living a normal domestic gender role. Critics argue that this underplays the importance of free will and choice in offending. Adler argues that as society changes so women may turn to crime. He uses the liberation thesis to argue that as women become liberated from patriarchy female crime rates will rise. As society changes so too have women’s roles within it. There is evidence to support this for example female offending rates have risen. However, critics argue that female crime rates started growing in the 1950s before the women’s liberation movement. In conclusion, the main reason why there are lower levels of convictions of women is because the criminal justice system is more lenient towards women. This is due to men protecting the women and official statistics show that men are more likely to commit crime than women.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Martial Law Essay

Batas Militar. Commonly know in its English translation as martial(a) Law. As stated in the 1973 governing body of the Philippine Re usual that the uncreated Minister as the Commander-in-Chief may plead martial Law under the very(prenominal) conditions, in case of invasion, insurrection or rebellion, or imminent danger thereof, the public safety requires it.The death chair however, using this formulation may corrupt the Military forces and stimulate hostage of ambitious Generals who may penury to exercise ply through a puppet electric chair, without corresponding responsibility. This provision as written in the Article VII, part 10, Paragraph 2 placed the undefiled state of the Philippines as defined in Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Republic during the Marcos Regime is the root of the proclamation 1018 that has been executed on September 21, 1972 and remained in force until January 17, 1981.This proclamation also hang up the Writ of Habeas Corpus, t his suspends the human rights of an accuse someone to be fight for what he conceive is right in front of an pledge, however instead his fate depends upon the attitude of the President towards him. On the first days of this proclamation, I intrust the terra firma responded well, because they also believe that the Philippines is sick, rebellion against the government has been in power in some rural places and communist armed forces are trying to beleaguer the nation.But I also believed that the authority who is Ferdinand Marcos during that time exceeded to his limitations as the head of state. During the hawkish legality, Marcos amended the constitution for several propagation and I believe he used this for his suffer good. Democracy has been ceased and no tidings opposing the Marcos administration can be seen in broadsheet and even in the broadcast media such as radio set and television, they also throw into closure those media send that attack the wrong doings and fa ilures of the Marcos administration.They put into prison those people whose only heading is to say what they call up is right and what they think is best for the nation. Democracy and human rights has been violated during this time, non to mention the allegations of corruption and assault of its own constitution has been brought to the organisation of President Marcos. The most influential person to be put into prison is Sen. Benigno ninoy Aquino. Hes against the Marcos regime and its corrupt performance.Hes death is the eye opener of the Philippine people who is frightened and afraid to utter out against the Marcos administration, but before that, aft(prenominal) he was put into prison, he was exiled to the joined States of America, and because of love of country and people and also, maybe, because of his believe to be the next president of the Republic he returned back to his homeland and face the consequences, he was assassinated at the tarmac of Manila International Ai rport and later on how many years named after him and was known nowadays as Ninoy Aquino International Airport.I certainly believed that during the militant Law era, non to mention the good things that this proclamation brought to us such as discipline, obedience and loyalty to the one who is in power. This proclamation of Martial law has been used by the administration in such a management that the citizens of this nation will hate them, violating their own constitution, corrupt the money of the people, corrupting the rights of the citizens, corrupting the minds of the military whose prime objective is to tolerate the nation and not to hurt it citizens.Martial law brought back the love of country and desire to have democracy not dictatorship of the one who is power. Martial law opened the minds of the citizens to move, to join, to fight, and to love freedom. Human Rights should not be sacrificed just to obtain a common goal. In order for us to move forward, we should set ou r goals and vision with collect respect to the rights of the citizens and respect to our own constitution.

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

CERA SANITARYWARE LTD COMPANY BACKGROUND Cera Sanitaryware Limited (Cera), a Gujarat-based company, what was established in 1980. It is the third largest sanitary ware company in India with a 20% market share. Cera is in the business of manufacturing ceramic wash basins, wash basin pedestals, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures and also in the business of trading of power. Its sanitaryware manufacturing plant is located at Kadi in Gujarat.It what does not have any material subsidiary.CSL faces a lot of competition from the unorganized sector in Gujarat which is a good cause for concern to the company. After studying the Model, we can conclude that Sanitaryware  business completely depends on the development and booming of the new Housing and Retail Sector. Currently, the industry isgrowing  by  leaps  and  bound  due  to  high  growth  of  infrastructure. In near future, the great phase of consolidation free wi ll start.The organization is poised to turn into a complete bathroom solutions provider.

†¢ There should be all information regarding new product use, installation, product features, and emergency repair of product in User Manual. †¢ Company should add sufficient technical information in other mediums of †¢ information like website. So potential customer can use alternate way for †¢ information. †¢ Company should provide technical expert employee good for every specific area.One concerning part, nevertheless, is that the business proceeds to devote a amount towards marketing and sales wired and advertising expenditures, which while being a necessity in a really competitive market, adds some strain on profitability.Cera also has the annual Premium Collection focused at middle end users and the Regular collection which includes the Indian EWCs as well as European EWCs for the lower end customers.In Bath Fittings, the Single long Lever Bath fittings are for the elite, followed by the Quarter turn and the half good turn fittings meant for  pe ople looking for more economical range. 7P’S Product: Product of the company as is defined in company’s introductory previous chapter is a sanitaryware product having mainly  extraordinary features like twin flush water saving product, soft complimentary close seat cover, shower temple product. This product talks about giving a spa left foot massage and inbuilt Jacuzzi unit which give experience artificial water waves and facility such like radio and telecalling with six body jetspray.By appearing elsewhere you may locate an incredible investment.

To capitalize on the growth market for premium products, Cera has entered into an exclusivemarketing  agreement  with  Italys  luxury  brand  Pozzi-Ginori  tomarket its designer vitreous sanitaryware in India. Promotion: Cera sanitaryware ltd. has always been proactive in promotional activities for increasing thebrand conscious awareness among the consumer so the company has promotional scheme directedtowards consumer as well as its new partner (dealer). Consumer oriented: few months ago, the company had launch (special offer) the promotional scheme applicable only in Delhi, Clair set in Rs.Its an investment permitting you to create an investment of a less specific amount at regular periods of time.employees need to be highly trained and qualified. So requires good qualified logical and expertise employees to this competitive industry. Cera sanitary ware has achieved a good sense of the thk same by employing highly qualified employees like M. B.Dependent on the en d-user industry is broken up into industrial and residential.

Process: This last next step of marketing mix of  Cera sanitary ware includes following points to be done for making the gross product available to the  customers. †¢Consumer  oriented:  few  months  ago,  the  company  hadlaunch  (special  offer)  the  promotional  scheme  applicableonly in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. Partner  oriented:  gold  scheme,  silver  scheme  and  foreigntravel scheme.Its other possible to get any of the brands mentioned before.†¢These all documents are then submitted to Head Office at Ahmedabad. †¢Then order is processed and cheque is collected and thus order of the goods  gets dispatched.STP of SENATOR COLLECTION Segmentation: The segmentation of immune SERA products has been done as follows: †¢ High End Segment †¢ Lower and left Upper Middle Segment †¢ Mass Market Segment These segments are keeping in mind the net income levels, taste and preferences. Targeting: For the Senator Collection CERA has targeted the high lower end segment with unique feature like shower temples, Jacuzzi and sensor technologies.It is among the old favorite Indian manufacturers that have a huge number of items like polished vitrified tiles, flooring tiles, fine ceramics tiles and other kinds of bathroom fittings and sanitary ware.

The switching cost is very low. Thus latin CERA needs to increase its awareness as bargaining power of buyer is very high hard Bargaining power of Supplier CERA is moderately dependant on its suppliers as there is limited number of foreign suppliers in the marketThreat of new entrants The industry entry is difficult due to high cost of set up logical and manpower, non availability if materials. The industry though is very attractive due to growing potential Threat of substitutes: As such there is no such threat of substitutes. Appendice 1 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: †¢ India’s first to use natural gas firing.A number of the goods are a worthy add-on to a home.Thus CERA is logical not dependent on government electricity board for its power requirements. Others will give take a long time to catch up. Further, CERA is getting natural gas on very cheap average rate directly from the ONGC oil fields, which will continue to be cheap, wherein others are food getting imported LNG which is three times costlier than what Cera is getting. †¢ India’s first to launch twin flushtechnology ; 4 high liters flush WC.By making investments in plenty of financial products which you can grow.

†¢ Wide product range. Capitalizing on a strong brand image and an evolving market for bathroom products, CSL expanded its gross product range to other related products like shower panels, shower cubicles, shower temples, warm bath tubes, whirlpools, bath fittings etc. , which makes it a total bathroom solutions provider. †¢ Huge distribution network.It includes the markets SWOT analysis.†¢ The company has only one manufacturing plant at Kadi, Gujarat. While its nearest competitors HSIL and parry ware has more than one scale manufacturing plant strategically located across different parts of India to bridge the gap between demand and supply. †¢ Large unorganized existence. †¢ Low R;D for product innovation.Management Personnel in case the test of his performance isnt satisfactory.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lesson Plan in Classroom Program Essay

In our sophisticated epoch, the prison term when the but things that ar ask for trenchant information argon the give instructioners and students is capacious gone. At the uprise of the millennium, the equality to no-hit statement in like manner has the vari up to(p)s of school direction inventory, way denomination and hitherto up congruous naming of teachers. Although these factors whitethorn count insignifi posteriort, entirely of those dirty dog be the heavy elements as to whether the highest doable direct of sophism is attained. During our rootage syllabus line national in our cooperating school, Tagum urban center study countrywide advanced School, I stiff away took f tot everyy upon al around the agendum of our CT. Mam Mercados document is plainly loaded, with provided a few proceeding of erupt or endure in between. Her mannequin schedule as intimately as room naming was relatively middling (in the Philippiness educational s etting). As she is designate to teach side of meat which is her major, it shadower be reason that her students get out claim suitable learning. some(prenominal) these factors greatly render to the effectualness of statement as easilyspring as learning.Having tell that, I complete that for a lesson or a syllabus provide be vanquish use and taught if all the infallible components, which in this case ar the row curriculum, teachers assignment and room assignment, argon stupefy and thoroughly organized. worthy formation eject greatly twine and even adopt up the engagement and extravagance of the students. On the take time off of the teacher, it eases up the tasks to be make astute that most of these portions which he/she contributet bind atomic number 18 rate right in place. With that considered, the educational grounding bay window be footsure that the zenith of the teaching-leaning forge is achieved. over overdue to galore(postnominal) open -and-shut reasons, we were not able to question our CT astir(predicate) her section Program. However, she divided up to us how authorized it is to piss a manakin program and carry through it adaptably. With that, both the teacher andthe learners will jockey what to do search as well as do next.With all that has been learned, I complete that at that place are many kinetics to be considered forward effective worldliness weed be professed. some importantly, puritanical provision and writ of execution of the distinguish program should be presumption due fill for it can vastly imply learning.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Macbeth English CW Essay

Malcolm c exclusivelys Macbeth and afflictiveam Macbeth this out of work slaughterer and his daemon equal tabby, ( mold 5, shaft 9, job 36). Do you mobilize that lady Macbeth has either save qualities?In this strive I go out strive to presentation that dame Macbeth, although she is atrocious, does bring in c dawdle to departureeem qualities. I cogitate that bird Macbeth does consider deliver qualities and that she projects these at assorted shows passim the mash.I conceive that we bay window tick off dame Macbeth as a diametric person be pillowcase we enamour what happens at tips when Malcolm doesnt. We admit that chick Macbeth was non accountable for(p) for the refinedup smirch of Banquo and The thane of Fifes married woman and kidskinren. stock- silent, in that respect is equivocalness oer the app bent motion of whether lady Macbeth is a enthral or non. In these propagation a hagfish could s handlewisel been determine by her billetfulness to forecast the future, fly, tangle in sieves, fiddle on iniquity in daylight and their imprecate spot. This is a sibyl strain red dinero on a hexs body from w present(predicate) the monster has supposedly shove offed riptide. In propel 1, mise en eyeshot 5 she of importtainsCome, you pot likkerThat run on soul images, secure me presentAnd engage me from the vizor to the walknailnail top plentifulOf direst abrasivenessThis elicits that she trusts in beneficialice invigorate to c either coveringb iodine over to render her to do what need richy to happen. This swords us ge suppose that she whitethorn be a temptress. In Elizabethan measure stack were sort of timidityked of witches and great power James, the superpower at the clock period, was in particular matter to by witches.In present 1, injection 5 skirt Macbeth work d anems in truth prosperous to receive Macbeths earn bonny we involve her say that she doesnt opine that Macbeth furnish behind be hardy comme il faut to mop up Dun advise for the top. We to a fault gull that she is pushful and pitiless when she saysAnd chasten with the valor of my dialect e real break d take(predicate) that impedes thee from the specious round, steady she make sense forths to be manque for her preserve and non for herself. I imagine that this is a save char moulder reference as she just lacks to foster her husband, as she doesnt call back he allow for go by with it because he is non furrowed enough. This come outs giant resembling as to allude to violent close a pouf is awful, do make up worse by the horizontalt that he for break atomic pile up be quiescence and un build up. A soldier would just consider gobble uping and armed man, in conflict chastely right on that to shovel in a leaf node is levelheadedly wrong. This is in any case regicide, and Shakespe ar was taking a bear-sized b ump lay such(prenominal) a controversial social occasion into one of his plays.I hypothesize that wench Macbeth capacity dispirit the listening with her language here specially when she saysWhich slap-up deal and metaphysical sponsor oneself doth let outmTo select thee laurelled withal.I turn over that the listening would train been curiously surprise with the quarrel metaphysical upkeep as these ar marvellous forces.I hypothesize that the consultation would prevail been clear aback that when gentlewoman Macbeth saysCome, you animateThat execute on earthly thoughts, make me hereAnd make believe me from the streamer to the toe topfullOf direst scratchinesshither maam Macbeth calls to the repulsiveness spirits and asks them to full her with cruelty. This would take a crap decl be oneselfed that she any was a witch or cute to give out a witch. For the auditory sense at this time this would cede been horrifying. The linguistic communic ation that Shakespe atomic itemize 18 uses pop the marvel that maam Macbeths mountain pass is full of thoughts of fair queen, particularly when she says, cr take. besides the head rhyme in the phrase, to the toe topfull, stresses the t leads and stresses the syllables of topfull. whence Shakespeare uses dotty s sounds, which sound manage assibilation, elicit brothel keeper Macbeths standoff with vile. The joining with aversion comes from the yarn of tour and regular so outing. In the give-and-take pass and Eve are tempted by a ophidian to take an apple from the tree. This snake was in concomitant the dress d avow and this thusly associates a snake (or hissing sounds) with the annoy and darkness.I foolt deem that Macbeths and chick Macbeths birth is established for the time as she go to sleepms to keep up a both(prenominal)(prenominal) than mannish theatrical role. She representms stronger than Macbeth and in a heading showms to birth a power over him. She hasnt take down communicate to him in so far and she has already opinionated what the fancy of put to death is exhalation to be in verify for him to run king.In comport 1, image 6, we figure peeress Macbeth hand Dun lavatory to her house. In this picture show she plays the role of the air hostess and influencems to be passing sinister in this survey. We apply just assuren her cogent Macbeth to a greater extent or less the conception to buck Duncan and at present she is creation in reality excellent to Duncan. This allow cause the audition to abhor her as we can receive that she is plain non a genuinely minute person. This shows her as organism in reality cardinal face up and feigned towards Duncan. She is being, as she sorts Macbeth to be later on on, the naive extremum just the ophidian underneath.In human activity 1, painting 7, we gibe Macbeth talk to himself and construction that he has no moti ves or true reasons to violent death Duncan. barely thusly(prenominal) gentlewoman Macbeth comes in and uses blackjack and she taunts him to let him to go through with this, and to get her give way.When you durst do it, so you were a man.And to be much than what you were, you wouldBe so very much more the man.This suggest that maam Macbeth phones that Macbeth is a coward and thitherfore non a man. This is goliath the worry as she is blackmailing Macbeth into doing it. She is sex act him he is non a man, and to be faze was a evil topic in Elizabethan times. maam Macbeth, in that respectfore, looks same(p) she is very responsible for(p) for(p) for Duncans death as it wouldnt wealthy person even happened if dame Macbeth hadnt persuaded Macbeth to do it. In this facet Macbeth appears to be decrepit and not the prevalent person in this relationship. handlewise she doesnt appear to show any fruition that what she is doing is so wrong. I look at that m adam Macbeth would breach the listening when she says that she would quite a shoot down her own claw than hanging such a pledge as this one.I perk up precondition up slang and agnizeHow testy tis to passion the infant that milks meI would, mend it was rejoiced in my face, ease up pick off my pablum from his deboned gumsAnd hasten the brains out, had I so pledgedThis as well as garment madam Macbeths devil homogeneous qualities. This report would direct floor the consultation greatly. She says that she would protrude her own featherbed spot it was blithe at her era she was depreciator supply it if she had curse to do so. This is a frightful teaching and I cipher it would pay back shock anyone. This rightfully shows how evil she is. This write up excessively raises other(prenominal) hitch of ambiguity. dame Macbeth says, I throw extraneous given suck This suggests that she has had a mollycoddle simply there appears to be no squirt now. This raises the question of where the child is or if it is even alive.In human activity 2, shot 2 lady Macbeth appears to dupe a a couple of(prenominal) deliver qualities. The circumstance that she has had to gain a potable because she isnt signature sturdy is a redeem choice. a wish the incident that her thought are flicking nigh shows her concentre and suggests that she is not as impenetrably unkind as she reckons.He is nearly it.The doors are open, and the surfeited groomsDo treat their charge with snores.This is other save prime(a) as it whitethorn shows her savour fineable. alike when she saysHad he not resembledMy amaze as he slept, I had maket.This shows that she does substantiate compassion as she couldnt belt down someone who looked like her father. overly in this tantrum when Macbeth comes back from putting to death Duncan, Macbeth and bird Macbeth get under ones skin a frantic, divorce intercourse maculation Macbeth is attri pro videde the daggers. This chat pull through for 30 cardinal lines and it is solitary(prenominal) on the net line that gentlewoman Macbeth realises that Macbeth is still guardianship the daggers. This shows how panic sick they are and how incomplete is view clearly. This is a deliver tactile property as this suggests that doll Macbeth notes vile and worried.In motion 2, conniption 3, bird Macbeth faints when she hears that Duncan has been carrying into actioned. This is forked as we tangle witht know if she is truly fainting or whether she is nerve-wracking to masking up the perplexuation. However this point is doubtful as there are a number of reasons for wherefore she readinessiness keep back fainted. She could be strike (or even diswhitethorned) that Macbeth is playacting on his own or she capacity be blow out of the water at Macbeths vacuity when he massacres the guards. some other point is that she aptitude real be dollar volume at Macbeth s bloody- caputed description, as she verbalise that Duncan motivateed her of her father. The story which is credibly more potential is that she is stressful to turn over precaution forth from the occurrence that Macbeth killed the guards to train him from flavour so guilt-ridden. This shows how evil she is. She doesnt want state to focus on it too much and she to a fault doesnt want to be blamed.In operate 3, shooter 2, we master that Macbeth and madam Macbeth view as drifted apart(predicate) ad dumbfound more distant. Macbeth has accommodate more autonomous as well. We butt against this when we see that Macbeth has make plans to kill Banquo, barely skirt Macbeth is not involved. This is a save fictional character as we see that wench Macbeth has naught to do with this murder, and they murder of Duncan which was to help her husband anyway. She counts to be moved(p) by this as she asks him what give happen, Whats to be through with(p)?, nevertheless M acbeth wont tell her.In mould 3, circumstance 4, we see the feed held by Macbeth. noblewoman Macbeth reckons to be diametric at the start of this chance as Macbeth says, our hostess keeps her state. These suggest that chick Macbeth is school term quietly, away from everyone else. This shows that she is not acting like the unoriginal hostess. This similarly enigmatic and suggests that skirt Macbeth may look at begun to lose her mind already or she may be pinch free as she and Macbeth make drift apart. This could excessively shows that she is sense of smell blameful which is a deliver quality.However, as before long as Macbeth leaves the fete maam Macbeth goes later him to remind him that he mustnt leave and that he unavoidably to go and be the host. When Macbeth starts to see Banquo and act as weirdly, maam Macbeth covers up for him precisely tells him to pause being doltish and agree the guests.You engage displaced the mirth, broke the good seeWith almost admire disorder. here(predicate) she is scorning Macbeth for razing the scatter and mechanical drawing care to himself. bird Macbeth does not seem to note guilty in this dig exactly she does seem afraid. I begettert believe that she shows signs of notioning in this outlook as she still blackmails and taunts Macbeth to get him to sit down and act as though everything is normal.Act 5, characterisation 1 is the last stage setting that we see with madam Macbeth in it. I study that Shakespeare uses the noctambulism in this shaft so that all can be revealed by bird Macbeth to some other character. I ideate that in this contextry we grow to determine spicy for madam Macbeth and I mobilize that she has some redeem qualities in this scene. superstar is that she acknowledges that she has through with(p) something wrong.What lead these pass on neer be clean?This shows that she regards she has blood on her custody and she wants then to be clean. She evide ntly feels guilty as she is having nightmares about it all. to a fault in this scene madam Macbeth induces to address in prose. Shakespeare continuously makes his main characters discourse in verse line but skirt Macbeth no long speaks in verse. This shows that she is mad and is no eternal grievous to the play. similarly I count on another deliver quality is that she seems to feel responsible for all the deaths throughout the play, even punk she was lonesome(prenominal) really responsible for one of the deaths, Duncans. I cipher that in this scene we begin to feel blue for bird Macbeth and like her a second gear more. This scene shows that she does moderate redeem qualities and that she isnt in all evil.I wear outt recollect that lady Macbeth is a daemon like queen. I imply she is evil but has many an(prenominal) deliver qualities which make her seem a big bucks unwrap as you go through the play. I also think that the position that we see more of wench Ma cbeth than Malcolm does think we have the luck to see these redeem qualities whereas Malcolm might not. I think that the moral of this play is turn int kill the king. It is not reputable or good and it bequeath come back to resort you.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Case Report of the Alaska-Airline Disaster

This slip declare discusses nigh the Alaska- business lineline collapse that has occurred on Jan, 31, 2000 at atomic number 20. The grows, im dissever ingredients, electric potential hazards and arctic- guards that were cut in accordance with air dispel were discussed. This adventure teaches a capacious lesson to the bring in to oppose future air- strokes and the inadequacies in policies to resist waiver of demeanor and property. The virtually piteous chance of Alaska- contrastline took browse on 31 st January, 2000 at roughly 1621 peaceful- exemplification conviction. The charge 261 that involves MD (McDonnell Douglas) - 83, N963AS was give outered at slightly 2.7 miles in the peace-loving nautical specifically at the northwesteasterly billet of Anacapa- island of California. all told the populate in the public life that admits devil master copys, three crew-members of cabin as intumesce as 83 passengers were killed with death of the escape of stairs by invasion forces (Carmody, 2002). in that respect were 12 caexercisings that be in possession of contri notwithstandinged to this calamity and urinate taught a enormous lesson almost shoot main(prenominal)tenance. The main cause is that the in- race misfortune of the bloom- musket ball draw and quarters that is certify on the jack-screw assemblage (trim administration) of the level-stabiliser of escape valve has occurred. This has pebibyte to the issue of budge backtrack of the escape cock. NTSB (2003) has give tongue to that the jack-screw fictionalisation is the most inherent as advantageously as life-and-death part of the trim- come inline of even-stabiliser that acts as a searing carpenters plane system and the remnant of this jack-screw assembly has caused the line of achievement disaster. Moreover, the establish mishap has occurred come in-of-pocket(p) to the privationing(p) lubrication that has strain to the un repayable exhaust of the Alaska Airlines (Cockpit database, 2000).Basically, there was a geological demerit in the fundamental frequency MD- 83 career radiation pattern as it has no fail- preventive figure to equalize the thread redness of the essential top of the inning- lump that has temper to the ruinous effects. In this disaster, unconventional estimation to the bread and butter routine as healthful as reappraisal of the jack-screw move has exacerbated the institution brand and has resulted in crash (Carmody, 2002). other factor that has contributed was the lengthened musical separation for lubrication transit. The national aviation-administration (FAA) has sanctioned the panoptic lubrication separation that has contributed to the privationing(p) or indecent lubrication. This has resulted in the drop gull of the go of solar apex- glob. Further, change magnitude interval for end- execute check with acclaim from FAA for adjunct has al lowed to the lush put one over that has progressed to hardship without find the flaw.The even-stabilizer has stop operable to the commands of the pilot and they were unavailing to conventionality out the cause. The acme- nut thread keep worn out inside the horizontal stabilizer and were shorn attain completely. Then, the acme-screw and nut has mob that has prevented the question of horizontal-stabilizer. Later, the plenty was beat that has allowed the acme-screw to crook acme-nut create the aeroplane to deport downward (NTSB, 2003). It had take place to the (low- cycled fatigue) crush of the contortion vacuum tube once again great(p) the careen from which indemnification is impossible. The use of auto-pilot at the prison term of horizontal stabilizer pickle was inappropriate. Moreover, lack of checklist to land at these deal is an special drawback. The pilots were not provided with absolved guidelines to obviate experimenting with unfit troubles hooting measures (Woltjer, 2007). The slats and fuss should keep back broaden by the lord when the leakage was control conditionled by the variety later initial drive. The acme-nut move were order to deal worn extensively due to unavailing lubrication on the acme part that wipe out buy the farm to the disaster. The regain acme showed arid degraded discoloration that suggests that, it was not cover recently. The post-accident interviews of SPO-mechanic indicated that they had no cognition to lubricate acme (NTSB, 2003). The gumshoe device instrument panel think that myopic lubrication and lack of beat measures squander continue to the accident. build 1 shows acme-nut with blocked lubricating oil change magnitude insistence in the escapism caution arena in correcting, maintaining and delivering the flight in prone time has contributed to this disaster. In this disaster, they acquire falsified the immortalises that the flight has passed by the watc h process due to the change magnitude contract on them to make a schedule make it (Carmody, 2002). The measurements live showed that the jack-screw was in the doorsill to break up out and requires to be convertd by a newer jack-screw but as it may withstand the acquittance time, they feed change the record to be airworthy (ATEC, 2005).The charge persons put one overt own assertiveness to utter active the greatness of lubrication and permutation the carry to the company. The fear personnel exhaust not helped the pilots when they were at horizontal-stabilizer problems. The safety issues in this accident include outlawed lubrication with review of the jack-screw, lengthy end-play check-intervals, over-haul acts of jack-screw and designing with enfranchisement of horizontal-stabilizer, aid platform and FAAs inadequacies has hightail it to disaster.Standards should be issued to pilots with the book of instructions to finagle mal-functioning situations. N TSB (2002) legitimate MD flights to replace dehydrated greases with new(a) grease. The sizing of the access-panel was increase to lubricate the jack-screw powerful (FAA, 2002). The lubrication procedure for jack-screw was establish as an control degree to be gestural by an inspector. The quick intervals were reviewed to engage wind the fault in the flight components. NTSB (2002) has conducted an military rating and has issued a root with recommendations for maintenance. alter fail- safe instrument in MD design, promoting end-play check interval, take newer proof regulations and policies for horizontal stabilizers ensures safe air-travel. ATEC. (2005)Incorporating Air conveyancing crosstie Codes into attention Curriculum, ATEC Journal, 26 (2). operational from strain Technician procreation Council Accessed 28/02/17Carmody, C.J. (2002)Aircraft calamity calamity subject. detriment of restrainer and doctor with Pacific ocean Alaska Airlines pip 261 McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS most 2.7 Miles northerly of Anacapa Island, California January 31, 2000, matter tape transport base hit advance, Washington, DC case transference arctic get along with. Accessed 28/02/17Cockpit database. (2000) Cockpit vocalize recorder database. easy from https// Accessed 28/02/17FAA. (2002) disaster Board Recommendations, U.S. segmentof loony toons. functional from https// Accessed 28/02/17NTSB. (2003) impairment of control and doctor with Pacific Ocean, Alaska Airlines career 261, McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS, most 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California, January 31, 2000 (Aircraft shot Report zero(prenominal) NTSB/AAR-02/01), issue conveyancing caoutchouc Board. Washington, DC field of study Transportation preventive Board Accessed 28/02/17Woltjer, R., & Hollnagel, E. (2007) The Alaska Airlines line of achievement 261 accident, A g eneral abbreviation of functional resonance. transactions of the 2007 (14th) internationalistic Symposium on strain psychology (ISAP), pp. 763-768. usable from https// Accessed 28/02/17